Deno — CRUD using mongodb

3 min readAug 21, 2020


Hello friends, hope you are doing well. Today we will see how our little Deno connect with DB. So it will be a very very interesting topic for you. Those are not checked our my earlier post about Deno just have it once…

DENO — A First Look


Well, so all set, build a CRUD application using Deno.

We will start from where we were at the last topic, I know you are very smart and checked my last topic. We already have an application where we build a REST API. Now its time to introduce DB so things will be in a complete shape. Here to make the thing simple we first connect a mongodb database.

So, we have already seen the app.ts it will be almost same with a little change. See below…

import { Application } from ''; 
import router from './router.ts';
const PORT = 8000;
const app = new Application();
console.log("Server is up and running in port:", PORT); app.listen({port: PORT});

Now, in router.ts we have declare all routing options.

import { Router } from ''; 
import { getEmployees, getEmployee, addEmployee, updateEmployee, deleteEmployee } from './controller.ts';
const router = new Router();
.get('/employees', getEmployees)
.get('/employee/:empId', getEmployee)
.post('/employee', addEmployee)
.put('/employee/:empId', updateEmployee)
.delete('/employee/:empId', deleteEmployee);
export default router;

Lastly we have to prepare the controller.ts. See the below code.

import db from "./mongodb.ts"; const empCollection = db.collection("employees"); const getEmployees = async ({ response }: { response: any }) => {    
const employees = await empCollection.find();
response.body = employees
const getEmployee = async ({ params, response }: { params: { empId: string }; response: any }) => {
const employee = await empCollection.findOne({ empId: params.empId });
if (employee) {
response.status = 200
response.body = employee
} else {
response.status = 404
response.body = { message: 'Employee not found.' }
const addEmployee = async ({ request, response }: { request: any; response: any }) => {
const body = request.body();
const emp_val = await body.value;
const empId = emp_val.empId; \
const deptName = emp_val.deptName;
const designation = emp_val.designation;
const employee: any = { empId, deptName, designation};
const newEmpId = await empCollection.insertOne(employee);
response.body = { message: 'OK', data: newEmpId }
response.status = 201
const updateEmployee = async ({ params, request, response }: { params: { empId: string }; request: any; response: any }) => { const employee = await empCollection.findOne({ empId: params.empId });
if (employee) {
const body = request.body();
const emp_val = await body.value;
const deptName = emp_val.deptName;
const designation = emp_val.designation;
const { modifiedCount } = await empCollection.updateOne(
{empId: params.empId }, { $set: {deptName, designation }
if (modifiedCount) {
response.status = 200
const newEmployee = await empCollection.findOne({ empId: params.empId });
response.body = { message: 'OK', data: newEmployee }
} else {
response.status = 404
response.body = { message: `Employee not found` }
const deleteEmployee = async ({ params, response }: { params: { empId: string }; response: any }) => {
const count = await empCollection.deleteOne({ empId: params.empId });
if (!count) {
response.status = 404;
response.body = { message: "Note does not exist" };
} else {
response.body = { message: 'OK' }
response.status = 200
export { getEmployees, getEmployee, addEmployee, updateEmployee, deleteEmployee }

Now we have to prepare the mongodb.ts here we need to first impor the MongoClient from Deno’s library.

import { MongoClient } from ""; const DB_URL = "mongodb://localhost:27017" const mongo_client = new MongoClient(); mongo_client.connectWithUri(DB_URL); const db = mongo_client.database('employees_db'); export default db;

Finally to start the server run the bellow command

deno run --allow-net --allow-write --allow-read --allow-plugin --unstable server.ts

Summary So you can see how we build an application using Deno + REST API + Mongodb. Keep explore our site we will again come back with more interesting articles in Deno.

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By the way, want to learn more about Deno? Just check out the official Deno documentation.

Originally published at




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